They bought almost identical plots, but 10 years later!~

Back in 2011, after Australia’s “Millennium” drought, followed by the worst flooding in half a century, two of my friends took the PDC to help heal the landscape.

They were very much alike. Both were city slickers looking to grow their own food and transition to a sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle. Both wanted to regenerate the land. And both – as landless dreamers with big lofty goals and small realistic budgets – ended up buying 10 acres to start a permaculture property.

Recently, I learned that they were searching for land again.

They were still very much alike.

  • Both had built annual gardens, food forests and kept livestock.
  • Both had put in their blood and sweat into the property, taken workshops from David Holmgren and Geoff Lawton, spent 10 years of their life and tens of thousands of their hard-earned money to develop a permaculture property with a secure water supply, optimized infrastructure and productive growing systems.
  • And both, it turned out, had moved full time to the farm with their family, and were still there.

But there was a difference.

One was assessing the permaculturability of contiguous properties to expand the “pocket of permaculture paradise” he had created amidst challenging dry landscape – a green patch that flourished with food, resources, and life, showcasing a better way.

The other was forced to move and abandon his farm because the location had become untenable.

What Made The Difference?

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people’s farms? It isn’t a green thumb or luck or dedication. It isn’t that one person makes sacrifices and the other doesn’t.

The difference lies in what each person knows and how he or she makes use of that knowledge to buy the right plot.

Choosing land takes foresight.

Two people stake claims on two pieces of land along two slopes of the same hill in rural British Columbia – one on a steep part of the hill with great views facing north, the other on a gentle slope facing south.

One property thrives, the soil remains rich, the crops grow, the home is warm and full of light and the climate, while extreme, seems bearable to the owner.

Across the hill the other farm withers. The soil is thin, the crops won’t grow and are stunted, the home feels dark and cold and the land owner suffers greatly from northerly cold winds and winter storms.

The grace of God on one farm? A desecrated burial ground underneath the other?

The one difference between the two farms is… location.

The blessed farm lies on a gentle slope with a south aspect. Protected by the hill from the ripping winds, and lying in the weather shadow that blocks heavy snow, the clearing works with the land to maximize solar access, minimize heavy weather, and moderate soil erosion. This creates a beneficial microclimate for passive solar energy capture and productive gardens with deep fertile soils.

Across the hill, the other farm remains completely exposed to the harshest winter elements. It gets no sunlight during shoulder and winter seasons so it can’t grow crops year round or use passive solar gain to warm the house. And the soil keeps eroding due to the steep slope.

In a region like rural British Columbia, this sort of luck can mean the difference between life and death over the permaculture farmer’s first decade.

So, what to look for, no matter where you might be considering staking a claim?

And how to avoid missing something important, and making a mistake in your choice when you find something that seems good enough?

As it turns out, there is a simple process you can use to search for and find the right property to build your permaculture paradise on – even if you’re a city slicker with zero hands-on experience.

… and today I’m going to share with you what that is.

But first, you may be wondering, “How’d you figure all this out William?”

It Took Me 10 Years to Piece Together a Foolproof “Land Finding” System

 Hi, I’m William Horvath, a permaculture designer, farmer, and creator of Permaculture Apprentice.

I’ve helped thousands of people seeking to start a permaculture property and live a permaculture lifestyle. So I know first hand that finding the land on which to start your permaculture farm can be a very daunting task…

There are a myriad of important factors you’ll need to consider:

  • Where’s the best place to settle considering the impacts of climate change, natural disasters, political upheaval, regulations…
  • What kind of land do you need to fulfill your needs? 
  • Where should you position yourself, closer to a big city or “in the middle of nowhere”? 
  • What to look for in land from a permaculture perspective – aspect, slope, soil, water… 
  • How do you assess land for its potential and hidden fatal flaws?

Miscalculate any of these factors and you could end up with the wrong type of land in the wrong place, and will have potentially thrown thousands of dollars down the drain.

In the ten years that I’ve been in the permaculture environment, I heard all kinds of horror stories about people buying properties with fatal flaws that cannot be fixed.

Flaws such as buying a property with limited water availability or one that’s too steep, and then regretting that mistake for the rest of their lives.

“It Was Supposed To Be Organic, But Now It’s Contaminated…”
Permaculture Urban Myths That Are Actually True

Imagine you cashed out your life savings or took out a loan to buy the property of your dreams, only to later realize things have gone terribly wrong…

On a windy spring day there is a seriously toxic chemical drift from the “sprayer” neighbor, or the majority of the property is on the flood plain, making it unusable for growing, or that you moved to a place where your neighbors have more say over what you put on your property than you do.

Now your dream has just become what may ultimately amount to a million-dollar liability. 

You paid all that money, the real estate fees, legal fees, and countless other sundry expenses, yet you lost the time and opportunity to do something great with your life. 

On top of that you still have mortgage payments and now you have to maintain something you don’t even want, hoping against hope that you will be able to sell it on!

As I grew my website and had a chance to talk with more and more people around the world I realized that the vast majority of these stories were true… These things actually happened to permaculture farmers, homesteaders and ordinary permaculture folks. 

Discovering this broke my heart because, with sufficient foresight, the drama could have been avoided.

The question is, why are these horror stories so prevalent? 

Here is why: People usually call in for assistance after they just acquired a new property, and now they need help with the design and setup. 

Which is a natural thing to do – you got some land and now you want to permaculturise it, Geoff Lawton style, but the problem is there is always some sort of a mismatch between what they want to do, and what the property can deliver. 

The site they just acquired has either limitations that restrict what’s possible or, even worse, fatal flaws that force them to abandon the property.

For example, it might be that the property doesn’t receive enough sunlight to grow a productive garden because something is obstructing solar access or the site faces the wrong direction. 

Or part of the property where they would like to grow a food forest is on a flood plain or has shallow soil, or the soil is contaminated, and now they need to downsize their expectations of abundance.

Or even worse, the property is surrounded by conventional agriculture folks who spray nasty chemicals on their crops, and now the crops they grow won’t be “beyond organic” anymore, and they are in despair.

Trust me; I could easily write a book on this…

A lot of things can be remediated by changing or adapting their goals, which honestly sucks, but some things will haunt them through the rest of their lives unless they decide to sell out and leave for greener pastures somewhere else.

The real question is, can you avoid all this heartbreak and buy the right property on your first try? 

Yes, you can – if you have the foresight to assess the land’s permaculture potential and, in effect, its ability to fulfill your goals, BEFORE you buy it. 

However, based on past experience, I know that a good proportion of the 25,000 people on my email list will make these fundamental errors when buying land. So, I think it’s my duty to save them from the biggest mistake they could ever make in their life when it comes to farm investment.

I saw that there aren’t that many easy-to-use resources for finding land and that they just aren’t that accessible or easy to learn. Therefore, I had to sit down and do extensive research on this topic.

After several months of hard study, I created this simple five-step system to help you buy the right piece of land to farm. It’s based on proven permaculture principles. It’s based on my hands-on experience. And the best part? It’s plug-and-play – no expertise necessary! 

Don’t become one of those permaculture farmers we hear about who’ve thrown their money and dreams of a sustainable life down the drain!

So before you lay down your $$$ and fall in love with a train wreck waiting to happen, keep reading…

Whatever You Do, Avoid These 5 Mistakes When Searching For Land

As I dug deeper into the subject of finding that “perfect” piece of land, I’ve learned that there are 5 common mistakes people make when searching for a place to make their own.

What’s most troubling is that all of us are susceptible to making these mistakes, no matter our level of permaculture experience.

In your quest for land you’ll have to overcome them if you want to end up with the right type of property in the right location.

Mistake #1. Conducting your search without a systematic process

A lot of people tend to conduct their search based ONLY on information they learned from blog posts, podcasts, YouTube videos, forums. Although this is a step in the right direction, it’s not enough. There is too much at stake.

Depending on where you live, property prices could range from $150,000 to $1,500,000+. 

Worse, these numbers will be even higher next year. In the aftermath of the COVID, the prices have been only steadily increasing. In some areas like West Texas or Western Australia, the prices of rural properties rose 10 to even 28% compared to pre-pandemic.

If you plan on investing serious amounts of money, you want to be damn sure that the property is as perfect as it can get from the outset!

That’s why you need clear steps and the precise details on how to do this right. You need a methodical process that you can carefully go through and eliminate potential risks one by one until you are 100% sure that your choice is the right one.

Mistake #2. Looking for land that has it all

People usually get trapped into thinking the land they need to find has to have all the iconic permaculture features: it has to have some acreage, a standing forest, a running creek, southern exposure, deep soils, a big pasture, wind potential… In other words, it has to have it all.

In reality, that’s an unattainable and unrealistic goal. It makes your search unnecessarily longer and more frustrating.

Each of us has different goals, and we are all pursuing this lifestyle for different reasons. That’s why there isn’t one universally perfect land type for all of us, and that’s why you shouldn’t dwell on finding it.

Instead, you should concentrate on becoming clear in your mind what your goals actually are, as only that will reveal exactly what kind of land is right for you. 

By developing clear goals about what you want to do on the land, you can gain an idea of how much land you’ll need and create criteria the land must meet to reach these goals. That way you’ll know what your non-negotiables are, and what are simply the “nice to haves”.

Mistake #3. Finding the right farm in the wrong area

Choosing where to position yourself is as important as the physical characteristics of the land. Most people focus solely on the latter, not giving enough thought to the environmental and cultural surroundings of the place they will be adapting to.

This lack of attention to the broader picture never ends well. Usually, problems start to surface as you try to do something and then realize you are not allowed to… or you can’t find services you’re looking for… or you don’t really like the community that surrounds you… or when your spouse starts complaining it’s too cold, too hot, too humid, or too dry and they can’t stand it anymore.

You won’t be able to change any of these influences, so you should perform thorough research on the region you want to settle in to see whether it will support your lifestyle! 

Mistake #4. Not properly assessing the land from a permaculture perspective

There is an old adage that applies to almost everyone in a permaculture environment, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”

For most of us, when we’re trying to perform a permaculture land survey on a prospective site, there is a lot of room for unintentional mistakes by glossing over something important. This could be a house on the hilltop, or in a flood zone, a long access road to the house, degraded soil, landslide-prone soils… the list goes on.

Any of these are what are called type #1 errors, errors that you have to live with and are very hard to fix. Since there are many factors you need to consider when assessing and analyzing land from a permaculture perspective, it’s easy to forget something or skip over it due to lack of experience.

The good news is you don’t have to be a permaculture expert to do this right from the get-go. You just need a simple framework that will outline what to look for and what to avoid.

Mistake #5. Decide on the property in a hurry

In the heat of the search, the majority of us succumb to pressure and want to buy the first land that somewhat meets our criteria. The usual reasoning is “I’ll never find that ‘perfect’ place, this is ideal for my needs, there probably won’t be properties like this.”

In reality, we become emotional as we can’t wait to start our permaculture property, but this is a trap. First off, this is probably not the only “ideal” property on the market. Second, this property, like any other, will have inevitable trade-offs.

That’s why it’s essential to stop, take a deep breath and compare – be analytical about various properties, their trade-offs, and how they compare to your goals.

So what can you do to avoid all these mistakes?

You need a methodical process that you can carefully go through and eliminate potential risks one by one until you are 100% sure that your choice is the right one.

And well, that’s where my new course will come in handy…

Our big difference is that we simplify your decision-making and give you certainty that you’re making the objectively right choice. We do this through what I call “The Permaculture Scoring System”.

Imagine if you had a checklist of features to look for and features to avoid when you’re buying land for permaculture use. 

Now imagine that each feature had a weighted score assigned to it: 

  • Example:  General slope grade between 0 – 5%? Add +4 to your score.
                      General slope grade more than 20%? +0
  • Example: Diversity of slope aspects? +5
                      Primarily eastern or western slope aspect? +2

To illustrate how this would work, let’s say you’ve shortlisted 10 properties. Let’s also say you can’t decide between them because each has its own trade-offs and advantages.

Your decision process can be as simple as:

  1. Compare each property vs the Master List of Type 1 Errors (Module 4). Strike off any property that has a type-1 error.
  2. Compare the remaining properties vs your Site Selection Criteria (Module 2). If Property X misses ANY of the non-negotiable features, strike it off.
  3. Run each of the remaining properties, the “semifinalists”, through The Permaculture Scoring System. Tall up the numbers, and calculate the score for that property.
  4. Does any property score below 50? Strike it off. It won’t be a good enough return on your capital.
  5. Now of the 3 “finalists”, which has the highest score? THAT is the objectively superior property and the one you should buy.


Compare these two scenarios and decide for yourself…

  • Without a Permaculture Scoring System

Without a scoring system, how would you know what’s the better choice?

For example, one property (Mulberry Drive) has great terrain and solar exposure, but the water situation is not ideal. The other one (Watermill Farm) has a running creek, but a western aspect. 

How, in the name of Bill Mollison, do you decide what’s better?! 

Both situations are far from ideal. Water is crucial, for sure – but maybe there’ll be enough rain so you won’t have to irrigate? Sun is as important as water is, but perhaps you don’t need a full day of sun for your gardens?

So how do you decide which trade-off is better? Do you roll dice, go with your hunch, ask your permaculture friend that seems knowledgeable, search online forums for an answer, enroll in a business-decision-making course…?

Honestly, there is only one true way to get yourself out of the analysis -paralysis…

  • With a Permaculture Scoring System

With a scoring system, you simply follow the valuation instructions and assign a predetermined score to each feature.

For example:

Mulberry Drive: +4 for southern exposure +1 for poor water reliability = 5

Watermill Farm: +5 for access to reliable spring + 3 for primarily western slope = 8

All other things being equal, Watermill Farm is the objectively superior choice.

Finding the right property can be this simple. It does not have to be intractable. The question is, what’s holding you back?

Which Of These 3 Things is Holding You Back?

In my experience, there is one of three things holding you back…

Thing #1: “I can do this myself. I don’t really need this.” 

You might think you don’t need to purchase a systematic process when searching for land. And that you can simply use the information you casually find online. And you are right. You could do that. But given that this could easily be one of the biggest financial investments of your life, and that your dreams of self reliance, food security, freedom and safety depend on the quality of the plot you buy, the question is, should you?

You might read a thing or two about what a property should have from a permaculture perspective, and you might take it into consideration when purchasing land. And you might end up with something that has good soils, but it’s in a valley subject to occasional summer flooding.

Is that how you’ll ensure food security, with the risk of losing the summer harvest always looming over you? Is 6 months out of 12 going to be enough to grow the hundreds of kg of vegetables per annum your family of 4 will need, and maybe another 50 kgs for the market? Or do you think you’ll struggle with productivity?  

Thing #2: “I don’t have TIME for this at the moment.” 

Yes, going through a methodical search process (instead of just hopping in the car and visiting properties immediately) will slow you down at first. But after you learn the frameworks and important features you need to look for and look out for, you can recognize good and eliminate bad properties in a matter of minutes, not days. So you’ll cut down the time you spend on researching, over-thinking, getting stuck in analysis paralysis. 

Thing #3: “I’m not ready yet”

(“I can’t afford to buy land yet, it’s just a pipe dream at the moment. Realistically it will be X years before I can get the finances in place/am ready to move.”)  

Yes, buying land might just be a pipedream right now.

It might be a year or two, or five until you get your ducks in a row and can start searching for land for real, but there is the thing: you can never be too prepared or too early for a project of this size.

You should think about your plans, how much land you’ll need, and where to relocate, all before you start looking at individual properties. You can do this ahead of the time, without having to have money in the bank for the dream property.

And by learning in advance what makes a good property from a permaculture perspective, you’ll be prepared and able to run out of the gate as soon as the opportunities present themselves.

And that’s why I’m PUMPED to introduce you to a brand new online course.

Over the last five years that I’ve been running my website and consulting/designing business, I’ve helped hundreds of people buy a permaculture property and live a permaculture lifestyle. 

Now I’d like to show you the exact system I use to do it.



Looking for a suitable place of land, but feel kind of clueless about it? Use this simple 5-step system to find the right type of land in the right location. 

The program will give you the necessary guidance and practical tools to know exactly: 

  • where to buy land
  • how much land you need, and 
  • what to look for in a property from a permaculture perspective

… so that you can clearly and unequivocally, without any regrets, say “Yes, that’s the one.”

This is, at least to my knowledge, the only permaculture program to offer this type of specialized training.

And it will help you find the right land in the right location – even if you currently don’t know what you want and need, have no idea of where to begin your search, or have zero permaculture expertise.

All without your having to travel to some expensive workshop, employ a consultant, or become overwhelmed by endless internet research.

You’ll be able to absorb the information and put it to use immediately. But don’t take my word for it though…

[Finding Land course] is a broad-spectrum, roadmap to finding the right piece of land without the danger of tripping over the many obvious and also hidden obstacles.

Being guided through the ins and outs, the why and why not, the best and worst reasons for making decisions, and an arsenal of checklists to narrow down the field so you can feel confident in taking that definitive step towards your own piece of paradise.

Steve V.

Finding Land Course Graduate

I have learned so much and have already been able to apply my learning to “weeding” out properties to buy.

Rhonda M.

Finding land Course Graduate

Is Finding Land Course Right For You?

Now you might be wondering, “Is Finding Land right for me?”

If you can say “YES” to any of these questions…

… I believe you’re PERFECT for the course

People with land 

  • Are you looking to assess the permaculturability of your existent property (to understand the strengths and the limitations that you will be working with on the site)? 
  • Are you looking to assess other properties in addition to the one you already have, in case there is opportunity to expand
  • Are you seriously considering or are forced to move/abandon your current location due to change of your circumstances or changes in the local political/cultural/geopolitical environment?

People without land (city dwellers, families, people new to permaculture… )

  • Are you planning to start a homestead, farmstead or fully-blown permaculture farm at some point in your life? 
  • Have you shortlisted potential sites and are now trying to decide which is better (you lack the assessment skills and hence the confidence in deciding)?
  • Are you currently going through the process of finding land, whether that’s for starting a family farm, homestead or just a plot of land to start a food forest on?
  • Are you actively planning or thinking of getting land soon? (Retirement in x years? Once you sort out the finances? Once you save enough money?) Learning about what makes a good site would allow you to keep an eye out for potential opportunities.
  • Are you new to permaculture and you want advice on how to buy land for permaculture use? (Perhaps you are a city slicker and don’t even know where to begin?)
  • Are you dreaming of getting some land someday (even if it’s just a pipe dream at the moment) and want to learn what makes a good property?
  • Do you want to feel confident when reading a landscape so you can find the best land for your needs? 
  • Do you want to save money by finding land that is affordable to develop?
  • Do you want to save time by finding a property that will help you achieve your goals faster?
  • Do you want to live as sustainably as possible by having a permaculture property that uses less energy and resources?
  • Do you want to spend more time enjoying life and having fun with your family than fighting an inefficient homestead or farm?
  • Do you want to choose the site to take advantage of the natural environment

Sounds like you?


Let me walk you through everything you’ll learn inside the core Finding Land training, and what makes it different from other permaculture courses…

What makes this course different?

Two things: Our signature Permaculture Scoring System and our lifetime, result-based guarantees.

Big Difference #1 – Permaculture Scoring System

This is a methodical process you can go through to search & evaluate properties, and eliminate risks one by one:

Stop guessing. I’ll tell you EXACTLY… So that you:
  • How much land you need ————–>
Don’t overwhelm yourself with unnecessary acreage. Buy the right amount of land for your needs.
  • Where to buy land (country>region>locality) ————–>
Don’t buy the right property in the wrong location.
  • What to avoid ——so that you can —>
Eliminate risks (avoid costly mistakes).
  • What to look for ————–>
Focus your search & speed up the landhunt. 
  • How to compare the inevitable trade offs (Permaculture Scoring System)

    (We remove the guesswork and give you weighted scores for each feature, so you don’t have to agonise over trade-offs.) ————–>
No analysis paralysis, just tally up the numbers.

Evaluate competing properties correctly and make the right choice even if you are not an expert.

Plus, this course gives you a SCORING SYSTEM for every step of the property search, assessment and decision process.

When comparing trade-offs, you won’t have to agonise over hard, qualitative decisions like “is a water well better than a spring”? 

Instead, you just go through the Permaculture Scoring System and tall up the numbers: Property has a well with sufficient flows? +5. Has access to a seasonal spring instead? +3.

Best part? You don’t have to be an expert.

I’ve already assigned weighted scores to all these permutations and factors. Just go through the scoring checklist and do the math.

According to Finding Land students, we’ve hit the nail on the head with this unique scoring feature. Here’s what Jessica had to say: “I am loving all the spreadsheets in the Finding Land course, which help me to finally put a value on certain qualities.”

Alex has found this feature essential to his finding land quest: “Ultimately, I bought the course for all of the resources it provides, particularly the selection scoring charts and the assessment protocols.”

Big Difference #2 – Lifetime, Result-Based Guarantees

We specify exactly what results you should expect, and guarantee them for a LIFETIME.

I want to give you the opportunity to see that it IS possible to move out of dreaming, and into the regenerative economy. 

That’s why I’m backing this online course with LIFETIME, result-based guarantees – such as our City Slacker Guarantee, Value Guarantee, Seemed Good Enough Guarantee, and Analysis Paralysis Guarantee

Please see full terms below for details.

14 More Reasons You’ll Love Finding Land Course:


  • Landsize Calculator to compute how much land you need 
  • Checklists: What To Look For & What To Avoid when buying land for permaculture use
  • Exercises to identify your non-negotiable must-have’s vs nice-to-have’s, so you can lock in your site selection criteria and speed up your search
  • Assessing the land – key metrics you should take into consideration when evaluating a plot of land/water availability
  • Exclusive Facebook group where you can ask for additional advice, meet other students, and interact directly with William.
  • Guidance on how to actually perform a permaculture property assessment (including a step-by-step protocol and how-to guides for each step) 
  • Hazard maps so you can spot risks and avoid problematic areas/natural disasters
  • Workbooks for each lesson so you can immediately apply what you learn
  • Region and Locality Scoring Sheets to help you decide where to buy land
  • Exact questions to ask the seller BEFORE you commit so you’re not hoodwinked
  • Tools to obtain data about a region when doing remote search
  • Tips for finding the right type of community when buying land 
  • Online tools to conduct your research and create a profile for each property you look at. Save hours of tedious, manual labour!
  • Worked examples of site assessments (watch over my shoulder as I conduct permaculture surveys and see for yourself how the process works)
  • A plug-and-play Google Earth file (Once you open the file, you’ll get a breakdown of all the things you need to look at in the sidebar, with the links to corresponding how-to guides. Everything you need to perform the assessments will be at your fingertips within the program itself.) 
  • Site-Selection Scoring Checklist with weighted scores for each criteria -just run through the checklist, tally up the scores, and see at a glance which property is objectively better



Component #1: Video lessons

The course is broken down into five modules with 8 video lessons that are immediately available; these will be your visual guide through the process of finding the ideal land for your permaculture property.

Component #2: Step-by-step tutorials and worksheets

Each lesson also has detailed written step-by-step tutorials that will help implement what you learned, and accompanying worksheets so that you can personalize and fine-tune your search.

Component #3: Pre-purchase property assessment protocol

Exclusive online tools developed specifically for assessing the property for its potential and deal-breaking type #1 errors you’ll want to avoid at all cost (think permaculture fatal flaws).

Component #4: Repository of resources and free tools

Plus, alongside each module, there will be a repository of resources and free tools I recommend so that you can quickly improve your property search and assessment skills.


More specifically, here’s how it’s going to work:

Click the video above to take a guided “VIP Tour” of Finding Land course


In this module, we’ll talk about making your land plan; getting clear on the overall scope of your project, and how much land you’ll need for it. 

Our main objective here is to map out what you want to do with the land once you acquire it. 

This would then help you:

  • (1) Lock in what kinds of permaculture systems you’ll need on your land (food forests, gardens, farm infrastructure, money-making enterprises etc…) (M1L1)
  • (2) Calculate how much land you need for what you want to achieve (M1L2) and
  • (3) Make your land selection criteria; a list of features you’ll be looking for in the property ​​so you can narrow and speed up your search (M2L1)


      • Landsize Calculator to quickly compute how much land you need to buy to achieve your permaculture goals

      • Masterlist of Permaculture Systems you *could* build on your land for inspiration, so that you can pick and choose systems that make sense for your situation and context 

      • Module workbooks with step-by-step exercises to help you craft your land plan

      M1L1: Your Land Plan

      Defining the overall use of the property

      In this lesson, the main objective is to get more specific on what you want to do with the land once you acquire it (defining the overall use of the property: homesteading vs farming vs farmsteading).

      M1L2: How much land do you need?

      In this lesson, I’ll guide you in determining how much land you’ll need for your project. 

      Specifically, I’ll take you through my recommendations on size for each component of your future farm/homestead/farmstead, and, by the end, you should have a reasonable ballpark estimate of what that overall number ought to be.

      I also built a landsize calculator to help you compute exactly how much land to buy.


      In this module, you’ll lock in the specific requirements that a property needs to fulfill to make it to your shortlist.

      M2L1: Locking in your site-selection criteria

      Must-haves and nice-to-haves to focus your search

      In this lesson, we’re going to create site-selection criteria (essentially a list of particular requirements that the land you’ll be looking for should meet). 

      Once you’ve made a list, you’ll define what’s must-have and non-negotiable (versus the simply “nice to haves”), so you have a minimum requirement that a property needs to fulfill before you start digging any deeper.

      This will speed up your land hunt by focusing the search on relevant locations and types of properties that are the best aligned with what you want to do. 

      It also helps you avoid buying a plot that looks promising but would ultimately disappoint you because it lacks some crucial component.


          • Module workbook with step-by-step exercises to identify your non-negotiables vs nice-to-have’s, so you can lock in your site selection criteria and speed up your search


          Narrowing your search to the best location(s) for your permaculture property

          In this module, we’ll determine the best location for your permaculture property – first at a regional scale, and then narrowing down the favorable areas or localities within that region.

          You don’t want to end up in a place where your security, desired lifestyle and livelihood are compromised in some terrible way. Because once you settle on a region and area, no matter how good the natural characteristics of your property are, it will never be able to compensate for these damaging external influences.

          MODULE ASSETS:

          • Module workbooks with step-by-step exercises to identify the best location(s) for your permaculture property (country -> region -> neighbourhood)

              • Hazard maps so you can spot risks and avoid problematic areas (including: climate change projections; world maps of natural and manmade safety hazards such as severe weather maps, earthquake and volcano maps, pollution maps; and geopolitical hazards)

                  • Masterlist of Potential Hazards and the type of setting they are most likely to occur, so you can tick them off one by one and have peace-of-mind knowing you haven’t overlooked anything life-threatening.

                  • Links for little known and hard to find web resources to determine how vulnerable the property is to natural disasters – including ways to find data on historical floods, wildfires, windstorms, and remote assessments via satellite images.
                    • Regional Scoring Sheet to decide which region is the best choice for you  — includes weighted scores for all possible permutations

                    (Example: Unhealthy air quality index? +0. Moderate air quality? +3. Within 30 miles of the main migration route? +2. No migration routes within 1000 miles? +5. Covid Stringency Index 60-80? +2.)

                      • Locality Scoring Sheet to help you score and rank the six aspects of the locality evaluation you learn in M3L2 – includes weighted scores for each factor so that you don’t have to agonize over trade-offs you lack the experience to evaluate, and can instead just do the math and tally up the scores.

                      (Each point from these scoring sheets needs deep thinking about what’s good and what’s bad and what’s in between. The good news? I’ve already done the hard thinking for you, and assigned weighted scores.)

                      M3L1: Choosing the most suitable region for your property

                      The big picture

                      This lesson is for people who are not yet set on a region, and are willing to consider relocating basically anywhere in the country.

                      In this exercise, we’re going to zoom out and look at:

                      1. Climate and climate change projections, 
                      2. Natural and manmade safety hazards, 
                      3. Geopolitical hazards, 
                      4. Government laws and freedom.

                      These regional factors are the ones you have the least influence over, so you absolutely have to perform thorough research about the region you want to settle into before you find out it can’t support your lifestyle.

                      M3L2: Choosing a locality: Where to relocate within a region

                      Four types of location you’ll want to consider for your permaculture property

                      In this exercise, we’ll start narrowing down the areas or localities within that region and look into where exactly to begin your property search in greater depth. 

                      First you’ll get an overview of four types of location where it makes the most sense, from a permaculture perspective, to position your farm, homestead, or farmstead. 

                      Then you’ll use a framework to evaluate the localities so that you can choose the one that has the most going for it, given your goals and context. As we go through each of these, remember to refer to the site-selection criteria we created in the second module.

                      MODULE 4: PROPERTY ASSESSMENT

                      Finding the most suitable properties for your permaculture farm, homestead or farmstead

                      Once you’ve narrowed down where to start your search (Module 3), you can start assessing various potential properties (Module 4).

                      In this module, you’ll learn exactly what are the million-dollar mistakes you’ll want to avoid and what are the right types of properties to look for.

                      Most importantly, I’ll give you the tools and a ‘how-to’ guide for assessing potential properties from a permaculture perspective by yourself.

                      To achieve all of this we’ll use my Pre-Purchase Property Assessment Protocol, an exclusive online tool developed specifically for this purpose.

                      Then, based on the online and on-site data points, we’ll create a profile for each property (think: an at-a-glance permaculture evaluation of its characteristics).

                      The assessment will ensure that you don’t unintentionally skip over any type #1 errors and that you can clearly identify what are the most suitable properties for you.

                      MODULE ASSETS:



                          • What To Look For & What To Avoid Checklist (includes a Masterlist of Type-1 Errors) so that you can spot what works best with permaculture principles and eliminate properties with fatal flaws

                          • Pre-purchase Property Assessment Protocol which takes you by the hand and walks you step by step through the process, so that you can perform due-diligence on all the important aspects of the property and decide if it is a good candidate




                          • Preliminary Research guide so that you avoid the legal/regulatory factors that might be limiting you every step of the way.





                          • Google Earth Remote Assessment guide so that you can evaluate the property’s land based features without unnecessary driving and on-site inspections (includes a plug-and-play Google Earth file I’ve prepared for you. Once you open the file, you’ll get a breakdown of all the things you need to look at in the sidebar, with the links to corresponding assessment step-by-step guides. So everything you need to perform the assessments will be at your fingertips within the program itself.)




                          • On-site Assessment guide (where I show you how to perform a permaculture land survey of a prospective property) so you can conduct site assessments correctly even if you’re not a permaculture expert with years of hands-on experience.


                          • Property Assessment Sheet (This sheet provides you with a template for what to write in and serves as a checklist for everything you need to check when it comes to the pre-purchase property assessment. For each property you look at, you can fill the sheet with your findings and create a property profile.)  


                          • Series of how-to guides for each component from the Property Assessment Sheet. This way, you’ll have a step-by-step guide of what you need to do to make the evaluations.

                          M4L1: What to look for and what to avoid from a permaculture perspective

                          (Plus 11 “Type 1 Errors” to avoid at all costs)

                          In this lesson, I’ll explain what to look for in a potential site, so it works best with permaculture principles, and, on the flip side, what to avoid at all costs (type 1 errors). 

                          Often, just by eliminating properties with type 1 errors, you’ll narrow your search down from a frequently bewildering assortment to a smaller, clearly defined number of properties, and that’s before you even begin to look at any of the desirable positive features!

                          M4L2: Pre-Purchase Property Assessment: How to assess a property

                          “Is this a good deal?” To buy or not to buy this specific property

                          That’s why, in this lesson, I have prepared a pre-purchase property assessment protocol; you can think of it as a checklist and a how-to guide for the assessment.

                          You will also get practical tips on how to perform assessments: remotely (online on your computer) and on the site.

                          During the on-site assessment, you’ll conduct observations concerning various permaculture factors on the site. Mostly these will be practical assessments using your observational skills and some tools I’ll recommend, such as appropriate smartphone apps, physical tools like shovels, and so on. 

                          In most cases, you won’t have that much time to check the property, so you’ll want to be able to rapidly perform the survey and collect as much relevant information as you can. That is why it will be important that you prep in advance and be able to quickly access this part of the course via your smartphone when on the site.

                          You can then use it as a checklist of what to evaluate, and have quick links to corresponding assessment step-by-step guides. This way, you can collect all the relevant information in one go as you explore the site and ensure you don’t gloss over something important.

                          As you gather the intel, you’ll fill out the sheet I’ve prepared for you and create a profile for each property you’re strongly considering. Having an “at-a-glance” summary for each property makes it a LOT easier to compare them down the line (Module 5) when you’re trying to decide WHICH one to buy.

                          MODULE 5: PROPERTY SELECTION: Making the right decision and pulling the trigger

                          Comparing trade-offs and choosing the best property among your final options

                          You’ve looked and assessed multiple properties and created a profile for each (Module 4), now you set them side by side, see how they compare and make the final decision.

                          Module Objective: decide with confidence which property to buy

                          You see, in reality, no piece of land will be a perfect blend of everything you are looking for. If you had a blue sky budget and enough time, there might be, but given the budgetary and time constraints that limit us, there’ll be many trade-offs you’ll need to make.

                          That is to say there is no perfect property that will tick all the boxes and make your decision painless. Rather, the properties will be imperfect, each in their own way, and you’ll have to negotiate with yourself which things to let go, and weigh up different factors before you can make the final decision.

                          Worst off, sometimes there will be no time to sit on the fence and consider your options, as in heated markets, properties are selling quickly, so you want to act quickly to avoid missing out on the opportunity. Since most people lack experience or confidence in this final stage of site selection, I created a site-selection checklist to help you in this decision-making process.

                          MODULE ASSETS:


                              • Site-Selection Scoring Checklist with weighted scores for each criteria – just run through the checklist, tally up the scores, and see at a glance which property is objectively better

                              Look at what Kaliua, a recent Finding Land course graduate, had to say about the course content:

                              I completed all the modules in the Finding Land Course! It is so thoughtful and well organized. I appreciate the detail and heart that went into designing and building it. It comes across how much you care about people avoiding costly mistakes.

                              So thank you for making it!

                              Kailua M.

                              Finding Land Course Graduate

                              If You Have A Question…
                              You’re Only One Click Away From An Answer

                              When you join the course you’re not just getting access to the course materials, you’re getting the personal support from me and from my growing Permaculture Conversion community.

                              If you ever feel stuck at any point and need some help, you can email me or post your question in the private group and we’ll get you the answers you need.

                              You’re not on your own on this journey, and by investing into this course you will receive personal support if you need it and you get to leverage the insight and wisdom of others before you make that big decision.

                              — YOU CAN TRY OUT THE COURSE 100% RISK FREE!—

                              LIFELONG GUARANTEE

                              This is the ONLY course in the permaculture space that protects you with a lifetime guarantee. Not 30 days. Not 90 days. FOREVER.

                              At any point while you are still alive… go through the course, do the work, and if it doesn’t get you results, simply invoke one of the four guarantees below to get a prompt and full refund: 

                              • City Slicker Guarantee
                              • Value Guarantee
                              • Seemed Good Enough Guarantee
                              • Analysis Paralysis Guarantee 

                              Why do I offer a lifetime guarantee?

                              I believe a guarantee should give enough time to test the product – to use the course and figure out if it’s right for you.

                              The problem is…

                              Unlike a fitness course, a course on how to find land isn’t always something you can apply immediately. 

                              If you are actively searching for land at the moment, great! You can go and implement the course right away. 

                              But what if you are dreaming of getting some land someday, you are seriously planning to get some land, you are obsessing about it every waking hour… alas, realistically, it would be 4 or 5 years before you can move, get the financing in place, convince your family etc?

                              You enroll today, you watch the videos today, and 5 years later when you are actually able to TEST the stuff you learned? Ooops, 30 days have passed and the guarantee is no longer available. That seems… unethical.

                              I believe the guarantee period should cover the point in time when you can realistically test the material. 

                              Also: Buying land is probably the biggest decision and investment of your life. It’s not something you can (or should) rush. 

                              That’s why I offer a lifetime guarantee for this course. 

                              I also don’t give you vague platitudes like “if this course doesn’t change your life” (what does that even mean?). I specify the minimum results you can expect. 

                              So I must also specify the necessary conditions to deliver your minimum result – namely: you must show me you did the work (and actually completed the relevant worksheets). 

                              This is to prevent purchases in bad faith and to prevent opening my business to unlimited risk by offering a lifetime guarantee. I’m going out on a limb and extending a hand in good faith – I expect the same. 🙂 

                              So, without further ado, you are protected by not one, not two, but FOUR cumulative guarantees:

                              CITY SLICKER GUARANTEE

                              Maybe you are increasingly concerned about eating healthy food, and given the current world crisis, you believe it is imperative to learn how to grow your own food to provide for your family. You are considering buying a home in a rural area in order to have space to dedicate to a garden and orchard. 

                              But the risk is: These are lofty goals for you as you are a city slicker and don’t even know where to begin to find the right land. 

                              Let me take on that risk from you, by guaranteeing the minimum results you can (and should) expect from the course. Try the course on me, and if you still say “YES” to any of the following, you’ll receive a full refund:

                              • You’re still clueless about what your immediate next steps should be to find the best land for your needs (what’s step 1, step 2, step 3…); OR
                              • You look at a potential piece of land and can’t immediately see what challenges & opportunities are there; OR
                              • You don’t know the exact questions to ask and what to look/out for BEFORE committing yourself 

                              To be eligible for City Slacker Guarantee, you must show us you did the work (and completed all the worksheets). 

                              VALUE GUARANTEE

                              Risk: What if you don’t get enough value from the course to justify the $197 price? 

                              Guarantee: In your property search, you will spot at least ONE “type-1 error” worth $1970+ (10 x course price) that you otherwise would never have noticed – or your money back.

                              If you pay $197 to avoid a mistake that would have cost you at least $1970 to fix, would you say it was “worth” it? 

                              To be eligible for Value Guarantee, you must show us you did the work (and completed all the worksheets). 

                              SEEMED GOOD ENOUGH GUARANTEE

                              Risk: What if you overlook something important and buy the wrong property? 

                              I get it: You want to be sure that you do not make a mistake in your choice when you find something that seems good enough. Maybe you have already seen several properties, but you are not confident enough that you won’t make a mistake and buy the wrong plot. So you enroll in this course to check if what you are considering is right and also have a process to follow and don’t miss anything important. 

                              Guarantee: In this case, the minimum result I can guarantee is this – 

                              Eliminate at least ONE property that seemed good enough (but for the expertise you gained from this course, you would have bought it) but it wouldn’t have fulfilled your site goals – or your money back.

                              To be eligible for Seemed Good Guarantee, you must have: 

                              • Created your Site Selection Criteria (Module 2); and
                              • Conducted site assessments using my Pre-purchase Property Assessment Protocol (Module 4) on at least 5 properties; and
                              • Completed your Module 4 worksheets (Preliminary research worksheet +  Google Earth remote assessment worksheet + On-site assessment worksheet)  

                              ANALYSIS PARALYSIS GUARANTEE

                              Risk: What if you go through the course and you’re overwhelmed by all the permaculture theory so you still can’t decide WHICH property to buy?

                              Consider the inevitable trade-offs that are inherent in assessing an imperfect site. Close enough to town, but the aspect is all wrong.. in the price range, and location is great, but the water situation is bad..  perfect site, but too far from income opportunities and not enough capital to develop it to its potential.. 

                              These are tough choices for anyone, but intractable in the absence of experience or confidence. What if you get locked into analysis paralysis?

                              Guarantee: If you’ve shortlisted a few sites, but the right choice is still not obvious after going through the course, you’ll receive a full refund.

                              To be eligible for Analysis Paralysis Guarantee, you must:

                              • Fill out a Site Selection Scoring Checklist for each of your shortlisted sites, and 
                              • Tally up the numbers so you can see which property scored objectively higher, and
                              • If you get stuck: Actually ask for personal guidance by emailing me or tagging me in the exclusive Facebook group for this course.

                              GET INSTANT, LIFETIME ACCESS TO THE COURSE FOR ONLY USD$397 $197 (or 5 instalments of USD$47)

                              Video Lessons

                              8 (downloadable) video lessons detailing everything you need to know about finding the ideal land for your permaculture farm or homestead.

                              Landsize Calculator

                              to compute how much land you need

                              Step-by-Step Tutorials

                              Written instructions on how to confidently locate, assess and decide which property to buy.

                              Where to Buy Land 

                              Region and Locality Scoring Sheets to help you decide where to buy land (country>region>locality)

                              Pre-Purchase Property Assessment Protocol

                              An exclusive online tool developed specifically for assessing the property for its permaculture potential and deal-breaking type #1 errors.

                              What To Look For & What To Avoid: Permaculture Checklists

                              Key metrics to take into consideration when buying land for permaculture use

                              Worksheets, Resources and Free Tools

                              Accompanying materials, resource and tool recommendations that save hours of tedious, manual labour in your search

                              Permaculture Scoring System

                              Compare competing properties (and their inevitable tradeoffs) correctly, and make the objectively right choice – even if you’re not an expert. 

                              Facebook Community and Email Support

                              Personal support from me and from my growing Permaculture Conversion community.

                              Little-known ways to obtain data when doing remote search

                              Because you love to plan and not having access to data you want is frustrating!

                              Lifetime Guarantee

                              Is buying land just a pipedream at the moment, and it might be some years before you can realistically move? You’ll still be covered by the money-back guarantee when you begin your search for land.

                              Exact questions to ask the seller 

                              BEFORE you commit so you’re not hoodwinked

                              Seize this opportunity to find the right land to build your permaculture paradise on…

                              7 Monthly Payments of USD$50
                              (Just USD$50 today)


                              There are a lot of voices in Permacultre and sustainable agriculture these days, but I’ve never found one more reliable, insightful and useful as William Horvath and Permaculture Apprentice. The way that he connects the dots from a wide variety of progressive practices such as holistic grazing, food forestry, keyline earthworks and many more, can only come from someone who has put them into practice through experimentation and constant observation.

                              Oliver Goshey

                              Author, Consultant, Natural Builder, Regenerative Skills

                              Williams content is a “go to” resource for anyone wanting to build freedom for themselves by establishing their own self reliant systems. In my opinion, he is overly generous with his all inclusive, hands on, step by step instructional material. Any contribution whether it be time, money and/or energy for his information will certainly yield 10-100Xs your investment.que.

                              Justin Rhodes

                              Film producer, author and teacher, Abundant Permaculture

                              If you need serious and thoughtful help on planning your homestead, look to William for the answers. Don’t mess around. Let him teach you and you’ll grow like you’ve never grown before.

                              David The Good

                              Author, teacher, and mad scientist with almost 30 years of gardening experience,, The Survival Gardener

                              When I first opened, I was blown away that I hadn’t discovered it earlier! William’s ability to distill the teachings and experimentation of the permaculture greats has allowed a new generation of regenerative farmers and designers to take permaculture to the next level. Working with William is a joy, because he brings a lighthearted curiosity to his core focus: helping you succeed.”

                              Pete Widin

                              Artisan Environments, LLC

                              What Do People Think Of William Horvath (And His Training Programs)?

                              William has put together a comprehensive system. Many examples, videos, tools and worksheets come with the course that allowed me to hit the ground running. His personal guidance and very fast turnaround time when answering emails are amazing. The amount of time he invests to answer questions personally shows how much he loves what he’s doing.

                              Michael Sprenger

                              (re William’s Permaculture Design course)

                              I have taken 6 different classes, and hold 5 PDC’s. Yes they are all good in their own way. Yours did not leave me with more questions than answers. I felt confident and didn’t get stuck in analysis paralysis. Which was common for the other classes.

                              I wish I had taken yours first. It was the best for giving information in a simple easy fast way to understand. Gave all the information needed to get started with hands on right away. No fluff just straight forward down to business. Even hubby who was a newbie knew very little about permaculture and has learning disabilities with very limited time to put in loved it. He got it. Understood and wanted to continue. He had tried other courses they just didn’t work at all for him. That right there says a lot.

                              Sure there are other classes and books that can go into a much deeper microscopic level with mind numbing detail and a much higher price tag. I don’t think we can ever stop learning and that has its place. However, in times like these I think it’s much more important to get exactly what you need so you can quickly get hands out in the soil and start working no matter what your experience level is. Up and running in a few months vs yrs is awesome.

                              For anyone who wants confidence to get up and running, and save time and money with less stress: hands down your programs and teaching style delivers all of that and more. Both for newbies and someone who has some background. I would highly recommend [William’s courses].

                              Danelle Downer

                              (re William’s Permaculture Implementation Calendar)

                               I think there is a lot of value in working with William. Especially if you are just starting out, but even if you have tried some of these steps on your own, projects can always be clearer. I came out with more confidence in what I had already identified, but also clarified details on what I had not yet figured out.Consuming material on these subjects is one thing, but talking about it with someone who has experience is a whole different level. When I can ask questions and it’s all about my property, as opposed to learning something generally and then trying to apply it to my situation, it’s much easier and quicker to get moving forward.

                              Darren Flood

                              (re William’s consultations)

                              This was indeed very beneficial for me as it dealt exactly with the type of info and study that I was seeking. (…)

                              The best part of the course was that it was not simply some videos and lectures put online but one had continuous access to the course instructor/course maker who was always available to help one in need. This increased my motivation and in the end I achieved what I had set out to achieve and now I am comfortably placed in the next level of detailed design.

                              Thank you William for all your help and support. I recommend this course to all those who are struggling with the details as this is the short version of a longer more arduous journey.

                              -Arshad Malik

                              (re William’s Permaculture Design course)

                              My husband, Bob, and I have finished your course and were very  impressed with the details provided and the amount of materials that  was included.  We learned a lot and felt it was well worth the price and the time spent learning the material

                              We didn’t realize there was so much that we didn’t know about farming  and laying out the proper plans and designs.  We are so thankful for  your course.  I’m sure we won’t do everything right but I know you have saved us a lot of mistakes and headaches.  

                              Thanks again.  Your course was a fun project for us and kept us talking and thinking about it for the last couple of months.  I have really helped us clarify our  goals, strengths and weaknesses

                              Bob & Marie Hart

                              (re William’s Permaculture Design course)

                              Loving the course! Your system is fantastic for pulling it all together and plugging the gaps. Love the site assessment spreadsheet, it’s brilliant. All the worksheets are fantastic actually and make the process very simple and effective to work through. Also the way you have collated all the tools and resources together for us is MASSIVE timesaver. I’ve spent hours looking around in the past trying to find the tools we need to get our land info.

                              Jannie Ogg

                              (re William’s Permaculture Design course)

                              I’ve been following William for a few years now and am so greatfull to him for all the work he’s done putting this together. He, Joel Saladin and of course the late Bill M and his trusty right hand man Geoff L have been my guru’s ever since I started studying Permaculture and other forms of sustainable systems. Thanks for letting me in.

                              Steve V.

                              (re William’s Permaculture Implementation course)

                              William genuinely cares about what he teaches because he practices what he preaches. If you are permaculture farming on any scale, or at least thinking about it, it is worth your while to look over this! (…).

                              Nathan Greenling

                              (re William’s Permaculture Implementation course)

                              This is probably the best organized and most instructionally sound training in the domain that I’ve seen. I can also say the guides formatted well with robust quality for a beginner gardener.

                              David M.

                              (re William’s Permaculture Implementation course)

                              Dear William, I am going to start crying over how beautiful your calendars are, they are exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much.

                              Eric Gasparo Barbagiovanni

                              (re William’s Permaculture Implementation course)

                              Why Did Other Students Enroll In
                              Finding Land Course?

                              I live in the San Francisco bay area and have lived urban most of my life with a desire for a rural lifestyle.  I want to live off-grid and regenerate grassland in the foothills by raising healthy livestock for human consumption.  I want to get back to the land.

                              Amy C.

                              My husband and I are looking for a plot of land where we can settle down and live as sustainable as possible. That means grow food, use renewable energy, harvest rainwater, etc. and we will use permaculture principles. 

                              We have already seen several properties, but we are not confident enough that we won’t make a mistake and buy the wrong plot. So, your course seems to us a good way to check if what we are considering is right and also we like to have a process to follow and don’t miss anything important.

                              Teresa P.

                              I considered waiting until a later date, but nothing in life is guaranteed, so I figured I better get the knowledge while it is available today! And it will help me with my land search.

                              Lee C.

                              My wife and I want to create something bigger than ourselves, our goal is to create permaculture farm sanctuaries that will be places of healing through food, smells, colors, sounds, and spiritual connection to the soil.

                              Don H.

                              The $197 price got me to look into the course further. It really resonated with me to hear of the lifetime access, and that it’s suitable for people who have no idea how many years it might take before they can even begin to start looking for land. Also, the vast amount of detail that the course promises is really attractive to me, it looks like a fantastic resource.

                              Mark A.

                              I know time is money.  I already know much of what you are sharing. But to replicate the spreadsheets and decision matrixes, etc. etc. would take me tons of time.  I don’t have time now. When I finally am able to buy I won’t have time either, and I’ll be overly eager and prone to impetuousness.


                              My partner and I have a dream of buying land and we want to make sure it is the right place for us.

                              Shannon B

                              We are looking for permaculture farmland in the next year or so and your course came up at the perfect time. We have read many of your articles and found them informative.  You obviously have put a lot of work into it and so we thought this would also be a good way to support your work.

                              Sarita C.

                              I originally asked the question if the major Perm Design Course would be appropriate for me as I hadn’t yet located or purchased 150-250 acres to create a Quaker Boarding Middle School/Farm, delayed now from visiting along the US northern border (Wisconsin –> Maine) or actually up into Canada. I didn’t know that this course even existed until you told me! Thank you!

                              Thankful that you directed me in the right direction, I hope to learn the four principles you outlined in this course’s description. I am so excited!

                              Jeffrey B.

                               I have been looking into permaculture for years and have been trying to build up enough capital to purchase property. As such, this course is a great next step for me.

                              Greg W.

                              I’m so excited about your course!  My husband and I are 10 -15 yrs away from retirement age and we are feeling drawn to begin a permaculture venture.  We are working with a realtor and fixing up our home to sell in order to move to a bigger (couple acre) lot. 

                              Sheri S.

                              Ultimately I bought the course for all of the resources it provides, particularly the selection scoring charts and the assessment protocols. The resources seem very thorough and well-researched – there’s no doubt you put a lot of work into this course.

                              I appreciate the systematic style and believe it to be very helpful when trying to purchase something with a wide range of conditions like a piece of land. It also appears to be quite comprehensive, which makes my life easier by significantly reducing research hours. I want to make sure I don’t miss anything, and I want to make the “best” decision possible, so I am very pleased to have this course.

                              Alex D.

                              What Graduates Had to Say About Finding Land Course

                              [Finding Land Course] is a broad-spectrum, roadmap to finding the right piece of land without the danger of tripping over the many obvious and also hidden obstacles. Being guided through the ins and outs, the why and why not, the best and worst reasons for making decisions, and an arsenal of checklists to narrow down the field so you can feel confident in taking that definitive step towards your own piece of paradise.

                              Steve V.

                              Finding Land Course Graduate

                              I have learned so much and have already been able to apply my learning to “weeding” out properties to buy.

                              Rhonda M.

                              Finding Land Course Graduate

                              I completed all the modules in the Finding Land Course! It is so thoughtful and well organized. I appreciate the detail and heart that went into designing and building it. It comes across how much you care about people avoiding costly mistakes. 

                              So thank you for making it!

                              Kailua M.

                              Finding Land Course Graduate

                              I am loving all the spreadsheets in the Finding Land course which help me to finally put a value on certain qualities.

                              Jessica P.

                              Finding Land Course Graduate

                              Excellent mainframe info, very concise. I really appreciate your thorough organization of these considerations. (Re M1 L2 Lesson)

                              John C.

                              Finding Land Course Graduate

                              frequently asked questions

                              Q. WHO IS THIS COURSE DESIGNED FOR?

                              A. This course is made specifically for people who are actively looking for land or planning to do so in the near or even far future.

                              When it comes to the quest for land, it’s never too early to start thinking about it. There are many factors you need to consider, and if you start early, you’ll have the time to develop and learn what type of locations and land will fulfill your needs the best. And then, once you start hunting for land, you’ll be able to recognize and jump on the opportunities right out of the gate.

                              For folks who are in the midst of it and are actively looking for land, the course will meet you at any stage of the land hunt. From the initial setting of your land plan and site selection criteria to choosing the best location, property assessment, and the final selection of the best property between selected candidates.


                              A. It’s a great asset if you already have some practical experience under your belt. However, it’s not realistic to expect that you’ll have it all to hand if you’re just now searching for land, so it’s not essential.

                              In this stage of your journey, what’s essential is that you define what you want, narrow down the location where you want to start your project, and perform land assessments from a permaculture perspective.

                              I’ll guide you through all these aspects step-by-step, so there is no room for mistakes regardless of your level of permaculture expertise.

                              Q. WHAT DO I NEED TO TAKE PART IN THIS COURSE?

                              A. This is an online course; all you need is a computer and an Internet connection capable of streaming course videos on your browser. The course is not live and you can access the material whenever you want.

                              I do make specific recommendations for software programs that will help you with your search and for this you’ll need a desktop computer and a smartphone.

                              Q. HOW MUCH TIME DO I NEED TO DEDICATE TO THE COURSE?

                              A. This is a self-paced course, so you can take it as quickly or as slowly as you want to. It’s totally up to you. You’ll receive lifetime access to the material and a lifetime money-back guarantee, so there are no time limits or deadlines, except the ones you put out on yourself.

                              That said, the course is intended to be used as you search for potential locations and permaculture properties. Depending on your context and preferences, the time required for this could vary greatly.

                              You could put an offer on the property next week, next month, or two years down the line. I even heard stories about people in the permaculture space looking for that perfect piece of land for ten years.

                              You could consume the course materials relatively quickly. The video materials are just below two hours long, and you could complete the course worksheets each within 15 min. – 2h max. Ultimately it all comes down to the number of options you are considering and how pressured you are to make the decision.

                              Q. WILL THIS WORK IN MY PART OF THE WORLD?

                              A. The content and the materials included are not geared to any specific climate or part of the world. This course will help you find the ideal land for your permaculture project, no matter where you live.

                              The system outlined in the course is universal and applies to any place on the globe.


                              A. Absolutely it can, but note that inexpensive land is cheap, usually with a reason. These can be numerous such as flood zone, toxic soil, distance and isolation…

                              The course will help you identify the localities where you could find inexpensive land, give you the tools to assess the pros and cons, and provide you with a qualitative way of rating the properties given their location and features.

                              With all aspects factored in, you’ll be able to decide whether the land and its infrastructure are suitable for your project, or it might be an unnecessary drain on your resources and a permaculture dream killer.

                              Sometimes “affordable” means “affordable”, and sometimes “affordable” means “million dollar liability in 10 years”. This course will help you tell the difference.


                              A. No, I won’t be offering the course again this year. Honestly, I don’t know when I’ll be offering it again with all the farming, website and family obligations I have.

                              I currently have three courses that I offer exclusively to my subscribers: Finding Land, Permaculture Farm Design, and Permaculture Implementation Calendar. Each of them is designed to help you in a different phase of your journey.

                              I do my best to open each for enrollment at least once a year. That said, sometimes life and farming get in the way, so it might take longer than planned to re-run the course within the once-a-year timeframe.

                              Q. WHAT IF THIS DOESN’T WORK FOR ME?

                              A. If you find that, at any point from now to the end of your days, the course materials aren’t working for you, then you can ask for a refund.
                              (Please see full terms of the guarantee for details.)

                              The course comes with a LIFELONG GUARANTEE, and I’ll be happy to issue a 100% refund at any time if you put in the work but aren’t fully satisfied.
                              The only thing I will ask you is to let me know how to improve the course.

                              That Said, I Have A Word Of Warning:
                              Who This Course Is Not For

                              If you answer “YES” to any of these, then we should part ways here and now. 

                              This course is NOT for you if:

                              • You believe buying a property – the biggest financial decision of your life – should be a “gut decision”
                                (Hard Truth: You won’t magically “know it when you see it”. More likely, you’ll lay down your $$$ and fall in love with a train wreck waiting to happen…)
                              • You believe your realtor will know what to look for
                                (Hard Truth: Most realtors know very little outside of the home. Just ask yours what type of soil is under their feet…) 
                              • You believe you can find the “perfect” site that has it all (yet still is affordable) – all the iconic permaculture features: some acreage, a standing forest, a running creek, southern exposure, deep soils, wind potential…
                                (Hard Truth: That’s an untttainable and unrealistic goal. It will only make your search unnecessarily longer and frustrating. Every property, like any other, has inevitable trade-offs. You have to be analytical about various properties, their trade-offs, and how they compare to your goals, non-negotiables, and nice-to-haves.)  

                              Still here? Good.

                              If you want to remove the guesswork…

                              And you are willing to be methodical in your land search…

                              And you eagerly await the day you can move out of dreaming, and into the regenerative economy…

                              Well, then you are in the right place at JUST the right time.

                              You can join the programme for 5 installments of $47 (or pay $197 in full and save 20%)

                              If you break down the cost to a year, that’s $0.50 per day

                              Now before you cash out your life savings or take out a loan to buy the property of your dreams, ask yourself these hard questions (because our lives only change when we face tough choices head on):

                              • Would you rather know exactly what you’re looking for (and what the best locations to start your search are)… or search haphazardly?
                              • Would you rather have a checklist for what red flags to look out for so you don’t end up buying something you’ll regret… or rely on your gut and luck?
                              • Would you rather confidently assess different properties and have all the vital information at hand regarding what slope is too steep, what type of soil to avoid, what the signs are that reveal you’re dealing with bad and degraded land, what the land’s water potential might be… or miss something very important that will come back to haunt you down the road? 

                              Because that’s what it all boils down to: CHOICES.

                              If all this product does is to give you that peace of mind…

                              …or get you from an overwhelmed dreamer to someone who is ready to run out of the gate as soon as the opportunities present themselves,

                              … or finally allow you to break from the vicious cycle of postponing action for another year, because you don’t know where to start, what to look for, and how much land you’d even need…

                              …then would you agree that 50 cents a day is a small price to pay… It’s almost insignificant really.

                              If this is the life you wish to choose for yourself, then claim your seat in the Finding Land Course!

                              Your dream permaculture property is 2 clicks away. Buy the course now, try it when you’re ready to begin your search (lifetime guarantee), and find the right land in the right location. OR I will give you your money back.

                              GET INSTANT, LIFETIME ACCESS TO THE COURSE FOR ONLY USD$397 $197 (or 5 instalments of USD$47)

                              Video Lessons

                              8 (downloadable) video lessons detailing everything you need to know about finding the ideal land for your permaculture farm or homestead.

                              Landsize Calculator

                              to compute how much land you need

                              Step-by-Step Tutorials

                              Written instructions on how to confidently locate, assess and decide which property to buy.

                              Where to Buy Land 

                              Region and Locality Scoring Sheets to help you decide where to buy land (country>region>locality)

                              Pre-Purchase Property Assessment Protocol

                              An exclusive online tool developed specifically for assessing the property for its permaculture potential and deal-breaking type #1 errors.

                              What To Look For & What To Avoid: Permaculture Checklists

                              Key metrics to take into consideration when buying land for permaculture use

                              Worksheets, Resources and Free Tools

                              Accompanying materials, resource and tool recommendations that save hours of tedious, manual labour in your search

                              Permaculture Scoring System

                              Compare competing properties (and their inevitable tradeoffs) correctly, and make the objectively right choice – even if you’re not an expert. 

                              Facebook Community and Email Support

                              Personal support from me and from my growing Permaculture Conversion community.

                              Little-known ways to obtain data when doing remote search

                              Because you love to plan and not having access to data you want is frustrating!

                              Lifetime Guarantee

                              Is buying land just a pipedream at the moment, and it might be some years before you can realistically move? You’ll still be covered by the money-back guarantee when you begin your search for land.

                              Exact questions to ask the seller 

                              BEFORE you commit so you’re not hoodwinked

                              Seize this opportunity to find that ideal land to build your permaculture paradise……

                              7 Monthly Payments of USD$50
                              (Just USD$50 today)

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